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Monday, April 24, 2006

Yea for today! The day started with an interesting horizontal hairwash in a bedpan (a never-used one, or so I was told). In a serious effort to counteract the damage of perma-bedhair, we managed to give my 'do' a new bed-do (it doesn't take long for that hair to moosh back down, but at least it's clean!) And then as if clean hair wasn't exciting enough, we had a great ultrasound -- Zachary is weighing in at approximately 5lbs.9oz!!! That's just two ounces smaller than Matthew (which is still a week away from our current gestational age). Zach is still just above average for size and looks really great. There was a chance today that Dr. Walker was going to do an Amniocentisis to check for infection, but my white blood cell count looked good as did the tenderness of my tummy, so he didn't think it was worth it. I've been taken off the Magnesium Solfate -- woohoo!!!!, have been told that I can walk to and from the bathroom again -- yippee!, and have been put back on the oral meds -- yea! They kept the IV line in 'just in case' things pick up in the next 24 hours. That way I'll be all set for an epidural. I really don't see why I can't just get one now!! Just kidding...but kind of not. There's a fairly good chance that nature will run its course now that the heavier duty drugs have been stopped. At this point, I'll be given a Turb shot when things start to pick up but if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Dr. Walker said there's no proof that the Magnesium after 34 weeks does anything to stop really just messes up the Mom. So, here we are. Pretty much in the waiting game. We'll be sure to keep you posted of any major develoments!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! No more mag. I'm sure you are so thankful for those little things- getting up to potty, shower, eat. We will keep the prayers coming for you and the whole family.
We love you,
Katherine and Dan