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Friday, April 14, 2006

Last night was a rough one. I had a new neighbor move in next door – she was admitted in the late evening and apparently had to move the family in too. They have a toddler who, I would imagine, is around two years old. I guess they don’t have any family around or friends that they could call, so they had to bring little kiddo with them while Mom came in for preterm labor. Anyway, as I know, it’s hard enough (especially in the beginning) to have a toddler here when they’re awake and not cranky. So, needless-to-say for this little person to be pulled from his/her bed and taken to a scary hospital room where things are being done to his/her mother would obviously be upsetting. Yeah, I didn’t get much sleep. And I’m sure they got even less next door and I do feel for them, but in the middle of the night, my perspective wasn’t quite as caring or clear. My main concern was: is this a long term neighbor and is the whole family moving in forever?! I do really feel bad for them, but I live here!! Anywhoo, my nurse ended up bringing me an Ambien at 3am and a fan to put on for some sound-muffling action. The fan really added to my room’s reputation as ‘The Ice Box’. Zachary, the bun in the oven, works as my own personal heater, you see.

Despite the rough night, I had a good day today. I had a massage this morning, then lunch and a movie matinee with Mike and Matthew, followed by a lovely visit from Mo (best friend from high school). The afternoon concluded with a wheelchair outing with Mom and Dad. Dad did a decent job of not running me into too many walls! J

As we know, I’ve been on the bulk-up-baby diet since I arrived at this fat farm, and it is proving to be a smashing success. I have proof to back up this claim. I’ve had a few nurses stop by to visit (ones that I haven’t seen in a couple weeks), and they always go on and on about how “great” I’m looking. Of course their declaration of my ‘greatness’ comes accompanied by statements such as: “You’re really blossoming!” “You’re looking so robust!” And my personal favorite: “You’ve sure put on weight – it especially shows in your face.” Yes, just where EVERY woman wants to be putting on weight. Great. Oh well, I’m taking one for the team – Team Zachary! It’ll be very exciting to get to use my new dream double jogging stroller this summer to try lose the weight (apparently in my chin and cheeks first!). Since I’ll hopefully be going home for bedrest in nine-ish days, maybe we should get the double stroller soon so Mike can take Matthew and ME out for a ride!

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