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Friday, April 21, 2006

Yea for a currently-working internet connection! Here are the updates:

Matthew still has a bad cold, so it's now been FIVE days since I've seen him. He does at least talk to me on the phone, though his 'Hi Mommy' sounds like ' Hi Bobby' due to his congestion. Mike has had to miss a fair amount of work this week staying home with Matthew but still managed to give a well-received presentation at work on Wednesday. The man is phenomenal.

Last night was a rough one. I woke up to a woman screaming like she was being murdered. I thought 'Oh great! This'll be a long one.' Turns out she was only having an IV put in. My goodness! If that's how she handles an IV start I DO NOT want to be around while she has the baby. I ended up staying awake much of the night with bad contractions...things seem to be picking up a bit. They increased my IV Mag dosage this morning. At one point, I'd had nine contractions in 45 minutes. I've still been fairly crampy throughout the day even with the extra loopy drugs. Could be a sign that my body's starting to fight the drugs and tell us that maybe we've done all we can to slow things down. We'll see. But I do feel confident that if things do happen soon, we've really had a lot of success with 'Project Incubate Zachary' thus far. We're almost to 34 weeks. Matthew was born at 35 weeks, and although he had to do two weeks in the NICU obviously turned out perfectly! At least Zach has received three doses of steroid for his lung development, so we might be able to less NICU time. Regardless though, all would be well in the long run!

My penpal/former hospital neighbor had her baby! She made it to 37 weeks after 12 weeks on bedrest (including 8 in the hospital!). They had a totally healthy boy weighing in at 6lbs.7oz. It was great to get to see her upright and to meet their little guy. I guess there is life after bedrest.

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