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Monday, April 17, 2006

What a difference a few hours can make! Just this morning I blogged about how well things were going and that I was worried they might boot me outta here early...well, don't have to worry about that any more!

My ultrasound showed that my cervix is only a centimeter long and that I'm already dilated two centimeters. During the ultrasound I had my first big contraction in a few days (I've had them but not big ones), showing that things are definitely more 'precarious' than we'd thought. Dr. Walker predicted (always the optimist) that my water will break in the next 2-5 days. He also checked to be sure that Zachary is head-down, which he is. Unfortunately he also has his feet down by his head, so if those don't move out of the way and my water breaks, I'll have to have a C-Section. Let's pray this kiddo moves his feet up!

Not at all what I was expecting to hear today. Within a couple of hours after Dr. Walker left, I had my first shot of Turb in several days and for the first time in weeks it didn't work to slow things down. SO....I'm back on the IV of Magnesium, I got another shot of Betamethasone (steroid shot for Zachary's lungs), and perhaps lamest of all, I'm not allowed out of bed for at least the next 24 hours...yes, that's right, NOT AT ALL. So, it's the fun of the bedpan for me.

Truly amazing how drastically and quickly things changed here for me! It's a darn good thing they hadn't sent me home early, that's for sure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're praying for you, Jenny. Glad you were able to enjoy an Easter with everyone before the excitement started. I will call you later today to chat for a bit if you are free.
