Today’s the day! About two hours ago, Joy called to inform me that – while there’s no baby yet – Mia IS five centimeters dilated. There’s finally a dim light at the end of this lengthy tunnel (even longer for Mia, I know).
So, what do you do when you know that in a matter of hours you will have a baby? (Albeit, a baby who won’t actually be in your arms, coming home with you for at least 24 hours +). I could be productive. I even toyed with the thought of getting Christmas stuff out early (something that fills me with joy and requires a fair amount of time). I don’t have any kiddos here right now since the boys are still with my parentals. It would certainly be easier to decorate with no kidlets under foot not to mention an infant to care for. But, no, I’m not doing it. I’m not being productive at all. I should use the time to go to the gym, to read a book, I should WRITE a book, for crying out loud. But instead, I’m doing something rare for me. (Obviously, right now, I’m doing this…). I’m RELAXING. I’m RESTING. I’m in a place of peace and calm and contentment. I’m sitting cuddled under my favorite blanket. I’ve finished my coffee am now drinking water and in a bit may have some hot cocoa complete with mini-marshmallows. I sat and peeled and ate two Satsuma oranges thinking about how our lives are about to change and how incredibly hard but worthwhile this journey has been. I’m having moments of deep thought, reflection and prayer but mostly I’m just sitting. And it’s wonderful.
Mike was up VERY late (as in wee hours, as in he came to bed at the time when I get out of bed for my early morning jogs). He’s had deadline after deadline and work has been crazier than ever. Deadline number 2 is, of course, tomorrow. He has two more deadlines and will be done with most of the madness by December 8th. He’s a working madman and he is exhausted. So, thankfully – because there are no offspring here and nothing that HAS to be done – he is sleeping. And if he goes for one more hour, he’ll actually get eight hours! Scratch that, I just heard movement. He got 7 hours.
So, here we are, on the day of the birth of our third child. We sleep. We rest. We wait.
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