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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Changing diapers in this household has turned into a full-on contact sport. I'd like to say that I'm getting better at it too, but seriously, changing Zachary's diaper has got to be like roping steer (which I've never done but have witnessed during childhood trips to the Ellensburg Rodeo -- an attempt, I believe, to help City Girl Jenny, see life outside the suburbs and the Starbucks). He's only 9 months old, and I think I'm going to have to give up on the changing table concept. I changed Matthew on the changing table without problems for 2 1/2 years! Now, the moment we put Zach down to change him, he immediately rolls over, gets up on all fours, then stands up in order to play with the beautiful quilt my Aunt Jackie made for him that's hanging on the wall. So, I have the pleasure of trying to clean baby buns that are in constant vertical motion -- not an easy task, I assure you. If I change him down on the floor, I usually end up crawling around after him trying to secure a clean diaper on the bum! I finish every diaper changing session exhausted and totally spent. I think I'll start wearing a tool belt with all of the diaper-changing accoutrements handy, so that it'll be easier to change Zach mid-movement.

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