Looks like I have some competition in the writing department – it might be a family business. The boys have some serious story-writing skill. Last week, my writerly friend Rachel was here for a visit. She had the boys dictate stories to her. Here are a few of my favorites:
By Matthew Martin, age 5 ¾:
Fishy’s brother is named Bubba. Bubba was dead by fisherman Jim. Fisherman Jim caught Bubba and shot Bubba or kicked Bubba. [Such violence. I’m not a fan of tragedies.] Bubba got brought back to life again. [Ahh, love a good Resurrection story.]. Bubba played with his brother Nunna, I mean Fishy and he is happy to be with his brother Bubba again. The End.
Also by Matthew:
Robot had a good plan. He wanted to build a robot brother and he found a box that was open and he found the material and he needed tape, scissors and paper and markers. And then his robot brother was built, and he needed a button….
[This was left as a cliff-hanger until the later installment. The reader is left wondering, WILL Robot Brother get his much-needed button?!!….tune in next time…or right now…to find out.]
“Now I just need to turn him on.” [Guess he got the button.] It was very steamy work for him because it was hot. He put flashlights on him so he could see in the dark just like his brother could see in the dark.
“And now I have to play with my brother. We will dig in the sandbox together.” The End
By Zachary Martin, age 3-and-not-quite ½ [Zach heard Matthew’s robot story and stuck with the theme.]
Once upon a time, there’s a robot making a machine, and they were sharing it with all the people. The machine was for making popcorn for at the movie theater. All of the robots ate some popcorn at the movie theater. And there were lots of seats for them. The End.
These authors are going to give me a run for my money. Look for the complete box set of original and complete Martin-boy works in a bookstore near you.
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